x-ray pulse câu
x ray
The question that remains is how often you should have an x-ray.Thường thì bác sĩ quyết định bao lâu bạn nên đi chiếu X ray. Ottawa Kne...

All 7th Cav air units: LZ X-Ray is closed.Tất cả máy bay của trung đoàn 7, bãi đáp X-Ray đã đóng. All 7th Cav air units: LZ X-Ray is cl...

characteristic x-ray spectrum
Soon after, Charles Glover Barkla discovered that each element has its own characteristic x-ray spectrum.Charles Glover Barkla (Anh) ph...

hard x-ray
World's first hard X-ray free-electron laser images intact virusesLaser phi electron X quang đầu tiên của thế giới chụp được các hình ả...

soft x-ray
It is a soft X-ray transient that most likely contains a black hole and is probably a microquasar.Nó là một tia X mà rất có thể chứa mộ...

x-ray analysis
X-ray analysis revealed that the painting has 3 layers.X-quang phân tích cho thấy rằng bức tranh có 3 lớp. That makes it particularly ...

x-ray astronomy
“The observation of space by Spektr-RG will mark a new stage in X-ray astronomy, whose history goes back more than 55 years,” said the ...

x-ray crystallography
Linus Pauling uses X-ray crystallography to deduce the secondary structure of proteins.[104]Linus Pauling sử dụng tinh thể học tia X để...

x-ray diffraction
Should throw off your x-ray diffraction and some other higher-end methods.không thể quét bằng tia X và vài phương pháp cao cấp khác. H...

x-ray diffraction analysis
In other cases, minerals can only be classified by more complex optical, chemical or X-ray diffraction analysis; these methods, however...

x-ray inspection
Metal Detection, X-ray Inspection or Both?Máy dò kim loại, Máy kiểm tra bằng Tia X hay Cả hai? WHITE PAPER: How Safe is X-Ray Inspecti...

x-ray lithography
However, ASICs are created by X-ray lithography.Tuy nhiên, ASIC được tạo ra bởi X-ray lithography. However, ASICs are created by X-ray ...

x-ray method
In some cases, the procedure may need to be done with a special X-ray method called fluoroscopy.Trong một số trường hợp, quy trình có t...

x-ray photograph
1896 - H. L. Smith takes the first x-ray photograph.Kỷ niệm 93 năm : H. L. Smith chụp bức ảnh X-quang đầu tiên. 1896 – H.L. Smith took...

x-ray photon
The electron loses energy, which it releases as an X-ray photon.Các electron mất năng lượng, mà nó phát hành như một photon X-ray. The...

x-ray pulsar
The technology, which can create an X-ray pulsar source in X-ray tubes to generate arbitrary waveform pulses, officially passed evaluat...

x-ray radiation
What's the difference between x-ray radiation and radioactivity? andSự khác biệt giữa bức xạ tia X và phóng xạ là gì? và In comparison...

x-ray source
Previous story An unusual superbright X-ray source detected in Messier 86 galaxyhôm qua Bí ẩn nguồn tia X bất thường trong thiên hà Mes...

x-ray spectroscopy
Henry Moseley: British physicist and inventor of x-ray spectroscopy (1887–1915)Henry Moseley: Nhà vật lý người Anh phát minh ra x-ray s...

x-ray spectrum
Soon after, Charles Glover Barkla discovered that each element has its own characteristic x-ray spectrum.Charles Glover Barkla (Anh) ph...

x-ray telescope
However, so far no high-definition X-ray telescope had been sent into space that could provide sharp images.Tuy nhiên, lúc đó chưa có k...

x-ray television
X-ray detection: internal and external welds 100% X-ray television industry checks, the use of image processing system ensures detectio...

x-ray tomography
They've paired that with computed x-ray tomography.Tương đương với chụp X-quang cắt lớp vi tính. A predecessor of CT, X-ray tomography...

x-ray treatment
X-ray treatment helped for a year.Xạ trị chỉ giúp bệnh nhân sống được 1 năm Radiotherapy: X-ray treatment can control the growth of so...

x-ray tube
As the X-ray tube rotates around your body, the table will slowly move through the gantry.Khi ống X-quang xoay quanh cơ thể, bảng từ từ...